Dec 9, 2010


This is how the bike looked when i boughts it, well at least sort of... The previous owner had stripped it of the forklegs, carbs, tank and seat..... stuff i was gonna remove or replace either way, so ...

Dec 4, 2010

shock the monkey

got the new 260mm shocks today. here's a mockup w the new saddle as well. suhweet!

Nov 9, 2010

Gathering of the parts..


Scored a set om BRAND new Mikuni VM34 carbs for VERY good money today! Also found a set of complete forklegs!  Got the lamp from my buddy Fredde. Suhweet!!

Nov 7, 2010

Tank for the Kawa!!

YES!! Scored this suhweet tank on the net for next to nuthin.. ahhh its good to be me.

Nov 5, 2010

Chop til you drop....

Some shaving smoothing and blending going on..

Yeh.....NO this is not the way its going...

Bratstyle.... thats where we´re heading..

Nov 3, 2010

Tank update.

Got the tank back for fitting today... looks pretty nice if you ask me!
I sent it away again today for The finewelding. cant wait to get some
paint on it!!

Nov 2, 2010

The ugly duckling

Picked up The "new" bike today!
-81 Kawa z440 ltd. öookimg forward to disbiking an reinventing.....
wish me luck!

Oct 13, 2010

In waiting

Well.. still waiting for the shirts to show up.. should be this week..
Also waiting to hear on any progress on the tank.... theres no rush but still.. I wanna see how it turns out!!

I put springs under the saddle for comfort, but it looks like sgit. The saddle is sitting way too high now. looks like an old harley WL, and not in a good way...

Looking for a new project bike as well, an xs 650.. but people are selling them way too expensive here in Sweden..
Ah well....

Oct 8, 2010

Tank and shirt!

My welding guy picked up the new tank yesterday...
gonna be a while but no rush since winter is coming so...
Gonna be sweet when its done!

Tshirts are ordered and I am proud the present you with the design below.
They are STRICTLY LIMITED to 10 (yes TEN pieces...) first come first served.

Oct 5, 2010


I was a bit worried after I slammed the bike, since the spring collar
was very close to the wireharness... Today I took à closer look and
man Im glad I did!!!!
The spring was already eating away on The harness!!! Not much to do
but reverse it....
Function beat design... Dammit.

looking into hardtailing it full on instead..... Big project tho....

Oct 2, 2010

slam dunk

Im pretty happy with the slam. Looks AND handling improved!!!
First tie between function vs design. Suhweeet!!!

Another thing; I got to see the completed tshirt design today.
All  I can say is: damn cool.

Sep 29, 2010


yeah, i decided upon slamming the bike.... so far so good. Will be
kind of semislammed, so no groundscraper....


As in any new project, one needs to get the priorities right , agreed?

The formula for a custom chopshop is the same as when starting a band.
Three simple steps:

1. Get a website
2. Print cool tshirts.
3. Start the actual band, or in this case chopping...

Well I have step one down, and actually step three as well (!?), so I guess the next step is to go for number two (pun intended), i.e. get cool shop shirts!
I have already consulted with master designer C to create a snazzy piece, and let me tell, you, its übersexy.

The shirts will of course be strictly limited....
If you want one, please let me know and we´ll sort it out. They will of course be crazy expensive as well. ABH.... always be hustlin...


Sep 22, 2010

OK so I decided to start updating on what I am doing to my bike in my garage...
This is what happens when you have th ewill and ideas but not the cash... just do it yourself...

It aint pretty but it works.